So. I decided to end my semester long hiatus on this blog and begin afresh for two reasons. I guess the first is simply that I actually have way more time than I know what to do with, given the start of summer. And, I'm living and working in Seaside, FL this summer so hopefully some adventures will happen upon my way and you'll enjoy reading about those!
Well, the other reason is that something so typical happened to me tonight that I actually rolled my eyes and thought, "I should blog about this". This blog post is actually more of a warning so count yourself lucky.
While watching a movie with my brother, I was scanning Pinterest and stumbled upon a pin titled, "Suffering from dead ends? DONT cut them off yet! Do this instead!" Welp, I looked at the estimated seven inches off dead ends on my pony tail and instantly reasoned this might be the one way I could save my locks from the unforgiving snipping scissors that belong to my Italian hairstylist. He pretends to not speak English the second I tell him how I ONLY want two inches off. Brings chills to think about the hairstyles Ive endured from him.
But anyways, all this hair mask recipe called for was a cup of warm olive oil. The instructions read, "Simply, dip your ends in the oil and then massage the rest of the oil into your hair. Leave for fifteen minutes, and then shampoo as normal. Your hair will have a envious luster and your ends will be good as new." HAHAHAHA. Yeah OKAY...
So, I thought heating up the oil in a pan would be the quickest way to get it warm. Rookie mistake as the oil appeared warm after pouring it into a container, but when I cautiously dipped my fingers in to test I seared them to possible second degree burns. Should have stopped there, but I was stubborn to make this a success.
I then put my ponytail ends into the 1839 degree oil and then had to walk slowly to my sink. I burned myself again on the container and some oil went flying everywhere. Classic clumsiness. By now the oil had probably warmed to what it should have been originally. So, I frustratingly just poured the rest of my head with a terrifying thought that I might burn myself to death...trying to "slick back dead ends". The oil instantly greased over my entire head and it felt way too think and all wrong.
Yet, somehow I quickly slicked my hair into a bun with the skill of a hair gel master.
After the uncomfortable fifteen minutes of patting back oily weave and slewing oil everywhere including my bathtub, I hopped into the shower. Only to slip on the oil and almost die again. "The price of beauty," I sighed.
Three shampoos again, all I was left with was a clogged bathtub and an empty shampoo bottle. Oh, and a (permanent?) hair styler that rivals John Travolta circa 1978. Are those slicked back Kardashian style ponytails still in? Hope so.

Anyways, I'm assuming the pinner of that problematic pin had a twisted sense of humor and thought it would be just hilarious to pin an absurd "hair mask" with an irresistible caption. Well done, Pinterest pranker!
At least it makes for a good blog post? Maybe I'll wake up with silky locks? Ha! Who knows.
To be honest, I probably clumsily screwed up some of this hair mask BUT be warned, pictures are always deceiving, and that should have been a no brainer on Pinterest! Good grief. I'll make sure too find an incredible and usable hair mask that I can share to ya'll, and the other users on Pintrest who endures this same fate!
LiVe LaRgE uNtIl nExT tImE,
Just gotta end with the "expectation" and the "reality".
And TA-DA, oily hair for days! Guess you can buy a wig with the money you save not buying hair gel.